HalfCast Makeup Flawless Full Mask Foundation

HalfCast Makeup Flawless Full Mask Foundation




This is one of our bestsellers, and it’s more than just a face foundation. It works to cover those rough patches, blemishes, and under-eye circles or sculpt your cheekbones to define your features, leaving skin with a naturally luminous finish mask. Enriched with antioxidants like vitamins C and E, along with sunscreen to nourish and protect your skin. We have six different unique shades with the names


  • USA-407
  • KIVA-500
  • Supreme-507
  • Glow-600
  • Glamour-607
  • Honey-708
- +
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Flawless foundation hydrates and smoothens skin texture, it makes a nice addition to your makeup regimes. The Halfcast flawless foundation blends flawlessly with most complexions for a natural look. The airy, lightweight texture will feel good on your skin, ensuring comfort. The oil-free silky-smooth formula incorporates state-of-the-art gel emulsifiers that glide over the skin. It blends seamlessly and evenly for a fresh matte finish

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